The Blog of a repository administrator and web scientist. Leslie Carr is a researcher and lecturer who runs a research repository for the School of Electronics and Computer Science in the University of Southampton in the UK. This blog is to record the day to day activities of a repository manager.
Institution | Country | Server | Title |
Oxford | UK | www.robots.ox.ac.uk | Brain Computer Interfacing Project |
Groningen | Netherlands | www.ai.rug.nl | Moving Thoughts - A Brain-Computer Interfacing Project at RuG |
Southampton | UK | www.bci.soton.ac.uk | The Southampton BCI Research Programme |
Ulster | UK | isrc.ulster.ac.uk | Home | Brain Computer Interfacing and Assistive Technologies Team |
Lausanne | Switzerland | infoscience.epfl.ch | Anticipation Based Brain-Computer Interfacing (aBCI) - Infoscience |
U Twente | Netherlands | eprints.eemcs.utwente.nl | EEMCS EPrints Service - 11091 Brain-Computer Interfacing for . |
Plymouth | UK | cmr.soc.plymouth.ac.uk | Brain Computer Music Interfacing Demo |
Malta | Malta | www.um.edu.mt | Brain Computer Interfacing - Systems & Control Engineering ... |
Carnegie Mellon | US | www-2.cs.cmu.edu | Classifying Single Trial EEG: Towards Brain Computer Interfacing |
Southampton | UK | eprints.soton.ac.uk | e-Prints Soton - Brain-computer interfacing in rehabilitation |
Southampton | UK | eprints.soton.ac.uk | Cognitive tasks for driving a brain computer interfacing system: a ... |
Cardiff | UK | www.caerdydd.ac.uk | Brain Computer Interfacing |
Rhode Island | US | www.ele.uri.edu | Brain - Computer Interfacing Mason P. Wilson IV URI department of ... |
Hosei | Japan | ijbem.k.hosei.ac.jp | Brain-Computer Interfacing in Tetraplegic Patients with High ... |
Colorado | US | www.cs.colostate.edu | Temporal and Spatial Complexity measures for EEG-based Brain ... |
UC San Diego | US | inc2.ucsd.edu | "Gerwin Schalk, Ph.D." |
Washington | US | www.cs.washington.edu | Dynamic Bayesian Networks for Brain-Computer Interfaces |
Birmingham | UK | prism.bham.ac.uk | Kianoush Nazarpour Home Page |
Glasgow | UK | www.dcs.gla.ac.uk | A Note on Brain Actuated Spelling with the Berlin Brain-Computer ... |
Uni Saarland | Germany | psydok.sulb.uni-saarland.de | PsyDok - Brain Computer Interfaces for Communication in Paralysis ... |
Essex | UK | cswww.essex.ac.uk | Feature Selection and Classification in Brain Computer Interfaces ... |
U Freiburg | Germany | www.bmi.uni-freiburg.de | BMII: Ferran Galan |
Kansas City | US | www.csee.umkc.edu | CIBIT Laboratory |
Manchester | UK | mint.cs.man.ac.uk | Microsoft PowerPoint - LeslieSmith |
Southampton | UK | www.bci.soton.ac.uk | The Southampton Brain-Computer Interfacing Research Programme - Aims |
Brown | US | www.cs.brown.edu | Michael J. Black: Neural Prosthesis Research Projects |
U Tuebingen | Germany | www.mp.uni-tuebingen.de | Institut fur Medizinische Psychologie und Verhaltensneurobiologie ... |
Tsinghua | China | neuro.med.tsinghua.edu.cn | Invited Speakers |
North Florida | US | www.unf.edu | UNF Webpage |
UCL | UK | www.cs.ucl.ac.uk | "Presence: Research Encompassing Sensory Enhancement, Neuroscience ..." |
Washington | US | www.cs.washington.edu | Pradeep Shenoy |
Cardiff | UK | www.engin.cf.ac.uk | Cardiff University > School of Engineering > Research Groups > PhD ... |
Carnegie Mellon | US | www.cs.cmu.edu | Automated EEG feature selection for brain computer interfaces ... |
Ulster | UK | isrc.infm.ulst.ac.uk | About the Group - ISEL - Intelligent Systems Engineering Laboratory |
Tufts | US | www.cs.tufts.edu | COMP 250-BCI Syllabus |
Essex | UK | cswww.essex.ac.uk | AABAC Publications |
Hosei | Japan | ijbem.k.hosei.ac.jp | Evaluation of a Robot as Embodied Interface for Brain Computer ... |
Stirling | UK | www.cs.stir.ac.uk | Professor Leslie S. Smith: Research Home Page |
New Jersey | US | embc2006.njit.edu | Blind Source Separation in single-channel EEG analysis: An ... |
Pace | US | www.csis.pace.edu | www.csis.pace.edu/~ctappert/dps/d860-08/raghu.ppt |
Plymouth | UK | www.tech.plym.ac.uk | BCI Papers |
Bielefeld | Germany | ni.www.techfak.uni-bielefeld.de | Publications | Neuroinformatics Group |
Washington | US | ese.wustl.edu | EIT - Sample Web Page Template |
Colorado | US | www.cs.colostate.edu | EEG Pattern Analysis |
Columbia | US | www.bionet.ee.columbia.edu | Bionet Group @ Columbia University |
Kent | UK | www.kent.ac.uk | Eleanor Curran - Kent Law School - University of Kent |
Georgia State | US | www.cis.gsu.edu | EEG-based communication: a pattern recognition approach ... |
TU Graz | Austria | bci.tugraz.at | Publications - Laboratory of Brain-Computer Interfaces |
Northeastern | US | nuweb1.neu.edu | News |
Cardiff | UK | www.engin.cf.ac.uk | Cardiff University > School of Engineering > Contacts and People ... |
Plymouth | UK | cmr.soc.plymouth.ac.uk | Computer Music Research |
UCL | UK | www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk | Journal Articles |
Ulster | UK | www.infm.ulst.ac.uk | Final Year Undergraduate Projects 2008-2009 |
UC San Diego | US | sccn.ucsd.edu | "IN RECENT years, brain-computer interface (BCI) systems" |
Ulster | UK | www.socsci.ulster.ac.uk | Slide 1 - Faculty of Social Sciences |
Carnegie Mellon | US | www.cs.cmu.edu | Linear and nonlinear methods for brain-computer interfaces ... |
New Jersey | US | embc2006.njit.edu | On-line Differentiation Of Neuroelectric Activities: Algorithms ... |
Bielefeld | Germany | bieson.ub.uni-bielefeld.de | BieSOn - P300-based brain-computer interfacing |
TU Graz | Austria | hci.tugraz.at | Publication list of Alois Schloegl |
Uni Saarland | Germany | psydok.sulb.uni-saarland.de | Brain Computer Interfaces for Communication in Paralysis - Eingang ... |
Essex | UK | dces.essex.ac.uk | Selected Publications |
Brown | US | www.cs.brown.edu | Michael J. Black: Neural Prosthesis Research Projects |
UCL | UK | www.gatsby.ucl.ac.uk | Stationary Subspace Analysis |
Colorado | US | www.math.colostate.edu | Curriculum Vitae: Michael Kirby (Professor) Co-Director Pattern ... |
Oxford | UK | users.fmrib.ox.ac.uk | Reza's Homepage : Resume |
Ulster | UK | isrc.ulster.ac.uk | Contact | VGandhi |
TU Graz | Austria | www.igi.tugraz.at | "Seminar Computational Intelligence E, SS 2007" |
North Carolina | US | catalog.lib.ncsu.edu | NCSU Libraries - Toward brain-computer interfacing / edited by ... |
ORBi (University of Liege, Belgium) | 311 |
IR of the University of Groningen (Netherlands) | 301 |
KAR - Kent Academic Repository (UK) | 286 |
University of Southampton: School of Electronics and Computer Science (UK) | 271 |
UBC cIRcle (University of British Columbia, Canada) | 269 |
LSE Research Online (London School of Economics, UK) | 260 |
EEMCS EPrints Service (School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Twente, Netherlands) | 260 |
LUP: Lund University Publications (Sweden) | 259 |
UPSpace at the University of Pretoria (South Africa) | 257 |
University of Tilburg (Netherlands) | 256 |
Repository | Days of Activity (/365) |
University of Kent | 286 |
London School of Economics | 260 |
University of Southampton | 243 |
University of Huddersfield | 227 |
University of Lancaster | 222 |
Open University | 219 |
Bournemouth University | 207 |
University of Strathclyde | 204 |
Loughborough University | 204 |
University of Hertfordshire | 204 |
University College London | 199 |
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The aim of this issue is to further our understanding on how repositories are delivering services and capability to the scholarly and scientific community by marshalling resources at the institutional scale and delivering at the global scale.
Considerable progress in this area has been achieved under the "Open Access" banner and this special issue aims to explore the technical aspects of facilitating the scientific and scholarly commons: open access to research literature, research data, scholarly materials and teaching resources.
Topics for this special issue include (but are not limited to):
A huge number of reports has been published in recent years on the changing nature of users; on the changing nature of information; on the relevance of current organisational structures to generations apparently weaned on social networks. Reading this mass of literature, far less digesting it, then assimilating it into future strategy is a Sisyphean task, but one ideally suited to this journal. Individual services from Second Life to Twitter will no doubt wax and wane but we shall seek to publish those papers which address the fundamental underlying principles of the increasingly complex information landscape which organisations inhabit.
Submission of full paper: 31st July 2009
Notification deadline: 1st September 2009
Re-submission of revised papers: 15th September 2009
Publication: Autumn 2009
Papers submitted to this special issue must not have been previously published or be currently submitted for journal publication elsewhere.
Submissions should ideally be in the range of 3,500 - 4,000 words.
Submissions and enquiries should be made by email to the editor of this special issue: Leslie Carr, University of Southampton, UK (lac@ecs.soton.ac.uk)
That is what building a body of work is all about - it's about the daily labor, the many individual acts, the choices large and small that add up to a lasting legacy. It's about not being satisfied with the latest achievement, the latest gold star - because one thing I know about a body of work is that it's never finished. It's cumulative; it deepens and expands with each day that you give your best, and give back, and contribute to the life of this nation. (Barack Obama delivering the commencement address at Arizona State University.)